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A societal and environmental approach

Naotic, a responsible company oriented towards sustainable development

The very essence of the creation of the Naotic company is a job preservation project in  France.

The company's societal and environmental approach is strongly affirmed by the group of managers.


  • Maintain a “Made in France” sector from design to final manufacturing

  • Prioritize   the regional and national economy

  • Provide a concrete response to current economic, social and industrial challenges

  • Be part of a logic of sustainable development

85% of suppliesare of regional or French origin

100% of added value is created in France


Made in Franceand save jobs

Naotic connected solutions are "Made in France" from design to final manufacturing.

Naotic fully masters its design process (design, software and electronics) in Nantes.

This ensures that Naotic products take on their essential characteristics and added value in France while maintaining a high level of originality and quality.


Produce by favoring the regional and national economy

The manufacture of Naotic products is carried out in a short chain logic with the desire to favor the regional economic fabric.

Thus more than 85% of supplies are of regional or French origin and the added value is totally created in France.

Fabriqué en France

ChallengesFrench manufacturing

les enjeux

Economic and social

  • Job preservation
  • Maintaining a regional activity
  • Boosting the local and national economy
  • Design inFrance: maintaining know-how


  • Control of manufacturing processes
  • High level of product quality
  • Reduced transport costs and environmental impact
  • Production traceability

For the customers

  • Products with a quality design designed for the French market
  • Solutions with added value and controlled shorts
  • Proximity, responsiveness and reduced lead times
  • Response to demand for French products

Get involvedin a logic of sustainable development

The sustainable development approach implemented by Naotic consists of gradually supplementing the notion of commercial and financial performance with social and environmental performance criteria.

This approach translates into three major objectives:

developpement durable

Ensures the sustainability and financial profitability of the company

Be a concrete actor of social progress and behave as a corporate citizen

Actively participate in the preservation of the environment

The12 commitmentsby Naotic


Ensuring business viability

  • Invest in sustainability and continuous improvement
  • Propose a responsible and fair pricing policy
  • Provide support, transparency and assistance to customers and partners
  • Buy in a logic of short supply chain and supplier guarantees


Be a concrete actor of progress

  • Control of manufacturing processes
  • High level of product quality
  • Reduced transport costs and environmental impact
  • Production traceability
  • Ensuring good working conditions for employees
  • Ensure respect in relations with customers, suppliers and partners
  • Advance skills and train, pass on know-how
  • Contribute to local life and get involved in the socio-economic fabric


Contribute to a preserved environment

  • Reduce resource consumption (water, energy)
  • Control and reduce sources of waste, sort
  • Optimize logistics and organize in a short chain
  • Take into account and manage the nuisances of the activity
12 engagements
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